Eve was always talking shit. We met when she was dating a friend of mine, and from the first time we hung out she was always making stupid jokes at my expense, often embarrassing me in front of the rest of our friends. I admit I hated her a little inside because she always seemed to know just what to say to make me look like a fool. So when one night we were playing trivial pursuit , a game I knew I was good at, I decided to try and give her a taste of her own medicine. Now I have to say, Eve was hot . I never would have admitted it in front of her, but I thought it often enough. She was one of those girls that had that crazy waist to ass ratio, you know, where her waist is super thin but bloomed into wide hips and a big round ass. She was aware of it too. She was constantly making references to her butt , shaking it in people’s faces, and lots of other obnoxious things that clearly said she knew just how amazing...
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